Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Challenge..

I've applied as a virtual assistant. It is an online job. An employer responded to my application. He had given me a task. I am just a neophyte in this area so it's kinda tough for me. But it is really a big challenge. I was so embarrassed when my first accomplished work was rejected and he thinks that maybe I'm not fit for the job. But, he is very nice. He is still willing to get me. I just have to make some more research on the task that he asked me to do. I don't know if I'll give up on this or continue until i succeed. I'll just do my best.

I can do this. I have to. I need an extra income to pay our bills. This job would be a big help for my finances, to my family. I can't give up now. So I have to do some research now. I just hope that I could get a better feedback the next time around. Wish me luck! =)


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