Friday, April 2, 2010

Holy Week!

This is the time for reflection. Remembering our savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross to save us from our sins.

To some this is a time for a long break from work. It's a long weekend. Still, it's a time to reflect on our lives.

I've listen to the 7 last words of Jesus yesterday the good Friday. I can't help but cry over the testimonies of different people. How the Lord touches their lives in so many ways. They may have encounter difficulties in their lives but God is always on time to save them from their misery. Yes, I agree. God is never late to answer to our call. His answer is always on time.

Remember the footprints in the sand? There are times that we ask God where is he when we needed him most and we thought we are all alone in the darkness? Jesus said that during this time when we see only one footprint in the sand, this is the time when he carry us. God is really good and merciful. He will not abandon us.

Let us continue to serve Him for the rest of our lives. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Have a meaningful Holy Week to all. God Bless us all! Mama Mary loves us.


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