Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Worth the Journey...

There is no partiality with God. – Romans 2:11

In 2003, I prayed for a part-time job to augment my business income but all God sent me were non-paying volunteer jobs. While I continued praying for a part-time job, I kept doing whatever God asked me to. It was a hard time for me but I tried to learn my lessons.
After a year of that, God sent me a fulltime secular job. Then after four years, He transferred me to Shepherd's Voice Publications where I am happily working now — finally "home" after the long search.

God hears our every prayer and our every desperate plea for help. He sees the sincerity of our hearts and gives us His blessings when we are ready for them. When we are tempted to question Him why some "bad" people get rich while we who are trying to be good remain poor, it's good to remember that God shows no partiality. He will bless us with what we need, perhaps not always in tangible things. It can be in the form of virtues — patience, endurance, persistence, fortitude — which will come in handy when God finally says, "OK, you've learned your lessons. Here, partake of my bountiful blessings."

I passed that route, as many others did, and I can say it's worth the journey.
Tess V. Atienza

God shows no partiality. We are all special in His eyes. He knows what's best for us — always.


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