Thursday, July 22, 2010

Steady pace...

I'm in a steady pace but i'm not complaining. I just hope and pray that the result that I've been waiting for would go as what I am hoping and praying for.

The feeling is so tense while waiting for the result. But it's beyond of my control right now. It is out of my hands. I submitted the needed requirements for my application. So the decision now is with them. So I better relax and continue praying. Help me Lord.

Just waiting for my mom and dad to come home. I'm going to sleep in a while.

Monday, July 12, 2010


We feel different feelings and emotions every now and then. We may feel happy or sad. But these feelings pass. We can't hold it for too long.

My feelings now is just moderate. I am on a neutral mode. I stop trying to hurry things. I can't do anything about it. It's beyond my control. I have to slow down.

I have to enjoy my moments now. Tomorrow is another day. I will not think too much of getting there. It will surely come without my knowing.

Monday, July 5, 2010

There's No Place Like Home!

I'm so happy to be home. It is true that no matter how beautiful a place is, nothing beats our home where our heart is.

I had a vacation in Singapore! I can say that Singapore is a very beautiful country. The people are very discipline, helpful and courteous. It is very clean. The government really did a great job. How I wish my own country will do the same.

I will not forget my trip there. I had a lot of fun. There are a lot of tourists spots. I also love the great big sale.

Still, I miss my home. But I will definitely come back to Singapore soon.