Thursday, June 3, 2010

New beginnings..

In every beginning there's an end. Ending doesn't always mean an end but it means a beginning of a new life, a new challenges in life. I have made a choice to end a relationship that i felt i was trapped with for the longest time. It feels good to be free now. I am at peace with oe myself. I know what I want in a relationship and i think i deserve someone who would truly love and respect me. I felt sad in the beginning. I felt regrets whether if i had made a right or wrong decision . But now, no regrets! I feel that I have made the right choice. To free myself from misery and heartaches. I am hoping that the love that i truly deserve will come my way anytime soon. I am read for it.

I also made a decision to resign from my job of 3 years since I am no longer happy. I felt that i am unproductive and stagnant. I have to make a change in my career. I'm glad i did it. I am going abroad a few days from now hoping that I can find a greener pasture. I am thinking positive. Taking this step is a big decision for me. But i'm excited about it. I have the support and love of my family. I would never go wrong.

I am more at peace with myself now. I am happy. I am looking forward to a wonderful days ahead of me. God bless us all!