Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Love Fades..

Love fades when it is not nurtured. I don't think i can continue loving someone if i don't feel loved in return. How can you give Love when you're not receiving it?

My heart condition is okay now. I've realized a lot of things. I'm in the acceptance phase now. I thought i am being loved by someone but the sad truth he does not. Because loving someone is avoiding to do things that could cause any hurt to the one you love. Yes, it is sad but that's the truth and that's life.

Sometimes, things are not just meant to be.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New world, New Life!

I'm in CANADA!!! Wow!!! It surely is a beautiful place. I never imagined myself living here. Life is really full of surprises. One day I was just dreaming about snow and now i'm actually experiencing it. It's wonderful!!!

I'm still have lot of things to do before i can really get settled in here. I just have to take my time. It really takes time. I'm very blessed to meet wonderful people too. God is really taking good care of me. I knew it in my heart. Thank you Lord! :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Horoscopes - Taurus

Taurus Outlook for 2011


4/20 – 5/20

Year 2011 Career

Any lingering clouds obscuring your professional vision will pass as Neptune leaves your career sector in 2011 in April. This is a momentous shift considering Neptune has worked to glamorize, spiritualize and at other times blur your professional aims since 1998. Neptune will retrograde back to unleash one last floodgate in August but the clarity gained over the spring and summer will support you through the imminent changes over the course of the year in preparation for more and more of your bigger dreams coming true between now and 2012. Your confidence in your talents and ability to make money is tip-top. Saturn remains in your work sector for another year continuing to deliver the teachings on what it means to value yourself and take yourself and your talents more seriously. No more settling for short shrift, Taurus.

A little bravado goes a long way in January and February with Mars firing up your career sector. Don't be afraid to push for what you really want. The squeaky Bull gets the promotion, so declare your intentions loudly and clearly while the opportunities are peaking. You have no problem working yourself to the bone to help others realize their vision, but now it's time to put that same effort into making your own dreams come true. Saying no to others is the first step towards finally saying yes to yourself. Your best moneymaking opportunities arrive just in time for your birthday. Working hard in June and July garners major pay-offs for a decadent vacation in August.

Taurus Outlook for 2011

Year 2011 Romantic

As 2011 kicks off, you continue to benefit from the long-term effects of Venus in Scorpio in your relationship sector (since September 2009). But by early January, Venus (your planetary ruler) moves on to your sector of transformation, bringing deep relationship issues home to roost. You'll have a chance to incorporate each and every powerful lesson from 2009 into the core of your being prepared for the next level of intimacy. Enough is enough, Taurus -- you're ready for the real McCoy when it comes to love. Haven't you settled enough, taking care of everyone else's needs without getting in touch with what it is to love and be loved in return?

By the time your birthday rolls around, Venus will have blissfully entered her home turf in Taurus, assuring that you'll feel at your beautiful best. This also bodes wonderfully for attracting love and connection in the best of all possible ways. Make the most of late April and early May (your strongest Venus period) to get your beauty rituals on. When you look good, you feel irresistible so it's no wonder you are suddenly a date magnet this spring. When Venus enters your romance and pleasure sector in August, you'll have no problem putting work on the back burner in favor of a little romantic raucous. In October, Venus enters your partnership sector to seal the deal on your summer flirtations. Commitment and compromise are absolutely necessary if true love is what you seek.


Happy New Year!!!

It's been a blissful 2010 for me. All my wishes came true. Thank you Lord for all the blessings. Thank you to my family and friends for the love and support. May God bless us more this coming 2011. Looking forward to a new life ahead of me. =)